The Alpha Xi Delta Experience
"When going through recruitment, I fell in love with the idea of “realizing your potential,” and I quickly realized that this idea fulfilled itself almost immediately. In my first semester as a member, Alpha Xi Delta allowed me to find a better version of myself, along with expanding my horizons to meeting new people I probably would not have crossed paths with before, many of which I know will become my lifelong friends. The Beta Sigma chapter has a unique sisterhood,
truly like no other. Right before pledging Alpha Xi Delta, I had a medical issue that temporarily stopped me from playing the sport I love, volleyball, but the girls of the Beta Sigma chapter brought me in and allowed me to learn I was so much more than just an athlete. These amazing girls taught me about dreaming big, getting out of my comfort zone, growing my confidence within myself, and so much more. Growing up as an only child, I always dreamt of having the
sisterly bond that people always talked about, and the Beta Sigma chapter of Alpha Xi Delta is exactly the type of sisterhood I have always dreamed of becoming apart of."
- Nora Carroll PC Spring 2024