Alpha Xi Delta

Beta Sigma at West Virginia Wesleyan College

Letter From Chapter President


"Hello and welcome to the Beta Sigma website!  Over the past 75 years, Beta Sigma has inspired its members to grow in courage, graciousness, and peace.  The chapter has given myself, along with all of my sister’s leadership opportunities, and connections that will last a life time.  In addition, my most favorable aspect is that the chapter is continuously giving sisters the chance to actively engage in our community.  The sisterhood of Beta Sigma is something that I will cherish forever. I have found mentors who have helped create the me I am today and for that I am thankful. The sisters are my biggest cheerleaders and are constantly pushing me to pursue the unimaginable.  Since I’ve joined the Beta Sigma chapter of Alpha Xi Delta, I’ve excelled in academics, gained lifelong friendship, and have obtained stellar leadership and communication skills.  I have learned to understand multiple perspectives due to the diversity of our chapter.  We all bring our own ideas and unique thoughts together to make magic happen.  This is what makes Beta Sigma, Beta Sigma.  Throughout the school years, our sisters are constantly looking for those who can be a sister in every sense of the word.  If you are interested in Greek Life, don’t hesitate to join because you will find a family who will support you in all of your endeavors.  I know that my decision to join AXID will be one that I will never regret."
 -Chapter President, Talia Cooper